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11/27/2018 2:23 PM
RazorCart supports configuring bulk discounts for each product in your store by creating a table of quantities and discount amounts. Choose from fixed price adjustments, percentage adjustments or set a fixed price for the product. Optionally choose roles the pricing rule should be applied for.

Advanced product pricing is useful when you need to discount a product based on the quantity of something a shopper is purchasing. Optionally, advanced product pricing can be applied to existing customers who you have added to a role you configure, such as “Gold Members”.

- Give a 10% discount to a product when shoppers purchase 5 or more products.
- Give a $20 discount to Gold Members when they purchase between 2-5 products.
- Give them a $25 discount when if they purchase more than 5.
- Give a 5% discount to Everyone and a 10% discount to Gold Members when they purchase 5 or more products.

Here is a help article with more info:


At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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