I am trying to make a customization to my RazorCart's item page that will hide the sale price line unless the item has a sale price. I am trying to use an @if statement to get this done, but dont know exactly how to code it...
@if (Model.Product.Has????????)
<h3 ng-class="{'rzc-sale': details.isSaleEnabled && details.product.IsUnderSale}">Sale Price:<span class="salesprice"> {{details.product.SalePrice | currency : '@Model.Culture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol' : @Model.Culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalDigits}}</span>
Where i have the
???????? is where my issue is. I have tried using SalePrice from the details.product.SalePrice line, but it just gives me an error.
I am sure this is a simple fix, i just am not having any luck figuring it out.
Can anyone help me real quick with the right @if call to get this to work. Thanks