HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...UPS WorldShip Export inconsistancy with Export OrdersUPS WorldShip Export inconsistancy with Export Orders
New Post
2/23/2012 2:19 PM


I noticed that the UPS WorldShip Export capability does the following, as compared to the Export Orders.

1. Automatically selects all the orders where the Export Orders doesn't.

2. There is no checkbox in UPS WordShip Export, like there is with Export Orders, which allows the user to set the status to Shipped or not.

3. The UPS WorldShip Export will automatically change the status to Shipped. I think it there should be a checkbox which allows the user to control this like what is presented in the Export Orders screen.



DNN 5.06.06 SC 4.84

New Post
2/24/2012 2:11 PM

Hi David,

1. Please clarify the issue you are reporting, do you wish to be able to select specific orders when using the UPS WorldShip Export?

2. Please clarify the issue you are reporting, do you want a checkbox in UPS WordShip Export, which allows the user to set the status to Shipped?

3. If you would like to be provided with a fixed quote to add the ability to choose if the Order status is changed to "Shipped" after the export, please do one of the following:

We quote all feature enhancements below cost since is enhancing the module and in most cases we can start work within a week.



New Post
3/2/2012 2:09 PM
Just make the 2 export User Interfaces the same and work the same.
New Post
3/2/2012 6:36 PM

Hi David,

Thanks for your feedback!

I have moved this thread to our Enhancement Requests forum.

We prioritize programming on our modules in the following order:

  • Bug Fixes
  • Sponsored or paid change requests
  • Enhancements with the most requests

If you would like to prioritize a feature request to the top of the list do one of the following:

We quote all features enhancements below cost since it is enhancing the module, If your company has budget to sponsor a feature let us know, in most cases we can start work on the new feature within a week.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...UPS WorldShip Export inconsistancy with Export OrdersUPS WorldShip Export inconsistancy with Export Orders