HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Feature Request - Ability to manage bulk variant groupsFeature Request - Ability to manage bulk variant groups
New Post
5/2/2011 10:23 AM

Hi guys,

It would be fantastic if we could manage variant groups in bulk. Currently I have the ability to copy variants over products, which is very helpful. However, I still have to go in and create the variant groups individually for each product. Being able to copy variant groups would be a big time saver.


New Post
5/2/2011 4:35 PM
That is a great suggestion. I have add your request to the cart feature enhancements request list.

Thanks for your input!

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Feature Request - Ability to manage bulk variant groupsFeature Request - Ability to manage bulk variant groups