HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Report Request: Include Report Request: Include 'Bill me later' details in store orders report
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9/2/2011 2:24 PM
Is there a way that you guys can add totals from the 'bill me later' customers to be included in the sales reports. Right not I only get customers who have actually paid with credit card. Other customers of ours, who have terms, order quite often and I'd like to be able to gauge quickly what orders are at overall. It's not a huge deal to have to look into their order details, but right now only orders from CC show up

New Post
9/2/2011 4:28 PM
Hi Mike,

Currently the Sales Reports have been programmed to recognize and display the transactions which have been completed with a status of closed. It may be possible to create a new Report for the Bill Me Later transactions but that will be up to our Programming Dept., if you would like i can include this with your other quote request, just let us know and I will send into programming.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Report Request: Include Report Request: Include 'Bill me later' details in store orders report