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New Post
9/17/2011 11:19 AM

When you bring up product listings for a particular category via querystring (ie: www.example.com/buynow/default.aspx?categoryid=4) it doesn't select the appropriate category in the category module. The product listings show up correctly, but it's very confusing when the category menu disagrees with what the products are.


New Post
9/19/2011 12:53 PM
Hi Dan,

Which version of the Cart and DNN are you running?

New Post
9/19/2011 1:41 PM
cart v4.59
dotnetnuke v6.0.1
New Post
9/19/2011 7:11 PM

Hi Dan,

This is not actually a bug. When filtering products by Category via the querystring, the Cart was not programmed to also select the Category in the Categories module, although I do agree it would be useful. I will add your post to the Enhancement Requests forum to add this feature. We prioritize programming on our modules in the following order:

  • Bug Fixes
  • Sponsored or paid change requests
  • Enhancements with the most requests

If you would like to prioritize a feature request to the top of the list do one of the following:
Submit a quote request here http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...
Email sales@smith-consulting.com

We quote all features enhancements below cost since it is enhancing the module, If your company has budget to sponsor a feature let us know, in most cases we can start work on the new feature within a week.


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