HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...apply the Handling Charge after the Shipping Rate has been calculated with the Shipping Calculatorapply the Handling Charge after the Shipping Rate has been calculated with the Shipping Calculator
New Post
3/6/2012 12:31 PM

I would like to propose an enhancement:

Change the logic so that the Handling Charge will be combined with the Shipping Rate after it is calculated with the Shipping Calculator. Displaying the Handling Charge prior to when the Shipping Rate is calculated shows the customer the exact Handling markup.



New Post
3/19/2012 3:55 PM
I'm very excited to see that your next release will have the UPS integration so that my negotiated rates will be reflected.

With this new capability I would like to request again that this enhancement be put into the product. I will definitely want to add a shipping and handling up charge on top of our negotiated rates.

Please put this enhancement in so that the customer doesn't see the upcharge!!!!


New Post
5/31/2012 2:02 PM
Once again I would REALLY like to see this issue be addressed!

Can you please respond to this post and let me know what I can expect.

It is very bad for a customer to see the initial handling charge that is added to every order. It can not be that difficult to just not show the initial handling charge. Just add the handling charge to the amount returned from the "Calculate Shipping" button.


New Post
6/5/2012 10:49 PM

Hi David,

The behavior you are requesting is not an issue with the module, it is a feature which is not currently supported.

If you would like to be provided with a fixed quote to provide the ability to apply the Handling Charge after the Shipping Rate has been calculated with the Shipping Calculator, please do one of the following:


New Post
7/25/2012 10:06 AM
I understand that this is not an issue but is a feature that is not currently supported.

Once again I want to REQUEST that this feature be implemented. I first requested this back in March but I have yet to see it implemented.

Until this feature is implemented I can't even use the enhancement to the UPS Ship Rate Calculator to use UPS account credentials.

Can you PLEASE put this simple but critical feature in.



P.S. If I wasn't a struggling small business then I would pay for it to get done. I do pay for your support which I think would allow for a simple feature like this to be implemented.
New Post
8/15/2012 1:18 PM
New Post
9/20/2012 6:39 PM
Can you PLEASE consider this feature!!!

I'm getting alot of negative comments from my business partners about why this issue still hasn't been addressed. They are starting to push me to look for another shopping cart solution.

Atleast let me know if you ever are going to put this very simple feature into your product so I know how to proceed. I really like the Smith Cart but I'm feeling alot of pressure.


New Post
9/22/2012 12:53 AM
Hi David,

This feature enhancement is on our Dev Roadmap but it has not been prioritized into programming yet since our programming queue is currently full with paid customer projects.

You can prioritize this enhancement into development for 5 Programming credits available from the following link: https://www.smith-consulting.com/pd/P...

New Post
1/23/2013 12:09 AM
Can you PLEASE schedule this and get this put in. I just can't believe that I'm the only one that is concerned about this.

Everytime I see a new release I eggerly look to see if this is in the new release. I've been doing this since May of last year. I've been paying for support in hopes of this being done but it still hasn't after 8 months.

PLEASE, PLEASE put this enhancement in.


New Post
7/29/2013 11:44 PM
Can you please respond and explain why this simple enhancement cannot be scheduled when I first requested it on 3/6/2012?

This is nearly 1 year and 5 months ago!!!!

I have paid for the maintenance this whole time just wanting this one feature and yet you still haven't fullfilled it.

New Post
8/1/2013 7:56 PM
Hi David,

We prioritize programming on our modules in the following order:
  1. Bug Fixes
  2. Sponsored or paid change requests
  3. Enhancements with the most requests

Since our programming queue has been full with paid projects we have not had the time to add a requested feature.

If you would like to prioritize a feature request to the top of the list please purchase 5 Programming credits available from the following link: Click here

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...apply the Handling Charge after the Shipping Rate has been calculated with the Shipping Calculatorapply the Handling Charge after the Shipping Rate has been calculated with the Shipping Calculator