HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Page Templating - Multiple buy now modules on a single portal.Page Templating - Multiple buy now modules on a single portal.
New Post
10/11/2012 1:38 PM

I am wanting to take advantage of the new page templating features in Smith Cart on my web site. I have multiple buy now pages set up in a parent child relationship. I wish to tweak the template to custom fit each store.

However, it would seem that although from the back end it looks like I can have separate templates on each store, the buy now module just pulls the last one you created, and uses it for every buy now module on the site.

Am  I missing something? This would be a VERY cool feature, if I could get it to work.

Thanks - 
New Post
10/13/2012 7:57 PM
Hi Alex,

Currently the Page Templates are per portal and Page Templates by BuyNow module is not currently supported although I do agree it would be very useful. I will move this post to our Enhancement Requests forum to give others a chance to request this as well.

If you would like to team-up with another user, or your company has budget to sponsor this feature enhancement let us know, in most cases we can start work on the new feature within a week.

If you would like to prioritize a feature request to the top of the list do one of the following:
Submit a quote request here http://www.smith-consulting.com/servi...
Email sales@smith-consulting.com

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Page Templating - Multiple buy now modules on a single portal.Page Templating - Multiple buy now modules on a single portal.