HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Half Stars for Product Ratings for ProductDetails / ReviewsHalf Stars for Product Ratings for ProductDetails / Reviews
New Post
12/7/2012 8:29 AM
I would like to suggest a key tip for SmithCart and the Reviews panel.

For example:
I have a product that has four (5 star) ratings and one (4 star) rating and then I see its Rating Average is 4 stars.
When I do the math, it comes out to be 4.8 Average rating.

Is there any way that you can program half stars into the system, even if to round it to 4.5 would be good.

That way for that product it can show the 4 and a half stars image and either 4.5 Average rating or the actual 4.8 Average Rating.

Without clicking the tab our customers think all of the reviews that were given to a product were 4 stars.

New Post
9/19/2013 8:04 PM
Hi David,

In the release of Cart v5.64 we have added this enhancement. Product reviews now support the ability to handle half star ratings.

Thanks for the suggestion!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...Half Stars for Product Ratings for ProductDetails / ReviewsHalf Stars for Product Ratings for ProductDetails / Reviews