HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...BuyNow module - splitting out DIVBuyNow module - splitting out DIV's
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10/22/2010 7:27 AM

The CSS Class "SmithProdtext" is used throughout the store in multiple places, however it's used for multiple things.

For example, in the FeaturedProducts, it's used for the hyperlink, the Price and Price Label, the Member Price, and the Quantity.

In order to make FeaturedProducts and the BuyNow module more flexible, I suggest splitting out that class into multiple classes. This would be a very small change in the ascx file, but would allow users to then skin the various parts of the cart using CSS instead of modifying the ascx files (which get over-written each time you upgrade the cart).

I have done this on my site, because I have one portal where they don't want the price to show, but another portal where it should. Rather than maintaining multple copies of the cart installation, I instead modify the ascx files thusly: (Note: This is with version 3.87 of the FeaturedProducts and BuyNow ascx files)

Line 31: Change CssClass="SmithProdtext" to CssClass="SmithProdtextHy" (For Hyperlink)

Line 36: Change from CssClass="SmithProdtext" to CssClass = "SmithProdtextPrice" (for the price label and amount)

Line 43: Change from CssClass="SmithProdtext" to CssClass = "SmithProdtextMemPrice" (For Member Pricing)

Line 49: Change from CssClass="SmithProdtext" to CssClass="SmithProdtextQty" (for the Quantity)

In ProductsList.ascx:

Line 87: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextPrice" (for the Price)

Line 113: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextModel" (For the model name)

Line 117: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextSummary" (for the summary)

Line 133: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextPrice" (for the price)

Line 136: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextMemPrice" (For the member price)

Line 137: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextMemPrice" (For the member price)

Line 141: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextQty" (for the quantity)

Line 142: Change to CssClass="SmithProdtextQty" (for the quantity)


These changes will allow you to style the cart by the skin. If you're running multiple portals like I am, with different skins on each one, this segues into styling the cart by portal as well.

In the skin.css for the portal that has your cart, you can make appropriate changes to visibility, fonts, colors, and so forth for each element in the cart, instead of having them all bundled together as SmithProdtext. You could change the font of the hyperlink, for example, or of the font size for the special "Member pricing", hide or show pretty much any element.

It just helps to break them out; especially if you have multiple portals with different behaviors (as I do).

New Post
12/5/2010 7:09 PM
Bump. I'll second that notion.
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Enhancement Req...Enhancement Req...BuyNow module - splitting out DIVBuyNow module - splitting out DIV's