HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...List box does not show on checkout if price is 0List box does not show on checkout if price is 0
New Post
2/3/2012 9:40 PM

DNN version 5:06.03

Registration module version: 4.32

Setup a item like a subscription for sale. Create a coupon for a 100% disount.

When you pay the item using the coupon, the price correctly goes to 0 and bypasses the credit card submission. Yeah!

However, if you have a list box enabled, it does not show. The check box that says I accept shows, but the list box contents do not.

The list box needs to show as the even though the customer is not paying for the service, the agreement has terms and conditions that are imporant to the business relationship.


New Post
2/9/2012 4:06 PM
Hi Brett,

Which "Listbox" are you referring to? The Registration Page or the Confirmation Page?

Which Payment Gateway are you using?

Please post a screenshot of your Registration and Product Setup configuration.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...List box does not show on checkout if price is 0List box does not show on checkout if price is 0