HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Not a valid eWAYCustomer IdNot a valid eWAYCustomer Id
New Post
6/21/2011 7:48 PM


We are having an issue that seems to be applicable to only one user. When processing a registration the user is recieving the following error:

We couldn't complete your payment.

Status: False      

Auth Code:          

Message: Not a valid eWAYCustomer Id

This message has only come up for this user. We have the same Customer Id applied to other Reg Pro modules on the site and all are working correctly. Other payments have processed through this same module successfully since this error and all internal testing has been successful.

The site manager has been able to log into their eWay account and process the payment manually with no errors. The user has tried both a Visa and Amex card and has received the same error for both cards.




New Post
6/22/2011 1:04 AM
The Reg Pro module just displays messages passed back from the payment gateway so the message "Not a valid eWAYCustomer Id" is from eWay. Did you check with eWay about what that message means and what situations they return that message?

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Not a valid eWAYCustomer IdNot a valid eWAYCustomer Id