HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Reg Pro skipping step 2, credit card, going straigh to confirm page.  lastes version Reg Pro skipping step 2, credit card, going straigh to confirm page. lastes version
New Post
2/28/2012 11:59 AM


Step 3: Confirm Regsistration.. skips step 2, credit card box is checked in settings.
Order details shows items: blank, total price as 0.00, but a price is in the product
Just bought the product.. set up find before i upgraded to the newest version.
Help please
New Post
3/12/2012 12:57 PM

Which version of DNN and the Smith RegPro module are you currently running?

Could you post a screenshot of your registration Settings by editing your post and uploading an image via the rich text editor?

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Reg Pro skipping step 2, credit card, going straigh to confirm page.  lastes version Reg Pro skipping step 2, credit card, going straigh to confirm page. lastes version