HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Bill payment/Registration License - Server - Host or Domain?Bill payment/Registration License - Server - Host or Domain?
New Post
7/1/2010 1:40 PM

Sorry if I asked something that was already answered somewhere.

When purchasing

Bill Payment/Registration with credit card & echeck checkout v3.1 Pro

Is the licence good for the server or on a domain base.



New Post
7/1/2010 4:12 PM

Its a domain based license. The license logic validates a name within the url so you can setup a subdomain for your domain name. For example, if your live domain name is mywebsite.com then you can setup a subdomain mywebsite.somedomain.com or test.mywebsite.com and the license will remove the license message for the following domain names:

1. mywebsite.somedomain.com
2. www.mywebsite.com.
3. mywebsite.com
4. test.mywebsite.com
5. etc, etc you get the idea

This will allow you to use the same license file for mutliple sub domains, your test domain and/or your live domain.

After you purchase a license you submit your license request here http://www.smith-consulting.com/forum...


Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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