HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...How to setup a 3 level registration i.e. Gold, Silver and BronzeHow to setup a 3 level registration i.e. Gold, Silver and Bronze
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10/7/2009 8:26 PM

How to configure the Smith DNN Registration module with a 3 level subsciption like our demo site http://www5.smith-consulting.com/RegistrationMenu/tabid/56/Default.aspx.

Step 1. Create a new page in your dnn portal called "Registration Main Menu". Add text/graphics about the 3 registration levels you offer

Step 2. Create a new page in your dnn portal called "Gold Registration". Add the registration module to the page and configure the module settings with your product/subscription name and price and setup your reurriing billing options in the module settings. Copy the url for this page to the clipboard. You will use this url in the next step.

Step 3. Go to the "Registration Main Menu" page you created in step 1 and edit the button or hyperlink you created for the gold subscription and paste the url your copied in step 2 into the hyperlink property for the button.

Step 4. Repeat step 2-3 for the silver and bronze levels

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...How to setup a 3 level registration i.e. Gold, Silver and BronzeHow to setup a 3 level registration i.e. Gold, Silver and Bronze