I am testing out your trial of Payment registration Module.
I have it set with Auth.net and paypal in the payment gateway checkout option.
I haven't tried the credit card option fully yet as I don't have ARB on my account yet.
When I run it to make a site subscription with $1 payment through paypal,:
I enter all the data
get to the paypal site to first login, then confirm paymant page.
If I do not confirm the payment....
... and go back to my site and login as a host and check the user accounts, my new user (whse payment I did not finish) has already been granted the paid subscription! The subscrition should only be granted when the paymant has been confirmed.
I am running this on DNN 5.6.2 on Windows server2008
Aslo, if I do finish my payment and go to the management module, I don't see any record of the finished transaction. (Is that because it's made through paypal?) Does it only show the transactions made with Auth.net (the mail gateway?)?
I would like both paypal and Auth.net to have full functioality though the management module.
Also it's quite useless, if the user are being granted the role even if I haven't finished paying!
Please help and explain what might be wrong
Many thanks