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4/4/2011 8:16 AM

I see that there is no CAPTCHA built into the form.

I have found how to implement this manually but I am getting stuck at one certain point.

Basically, to implement CAPTCHA manually you have to have three pieces of code. The full explanation of it all can be found here.

I have everything in place and CAPTCHA is showing on the form but I am stuck on the validation of it.

How do I implement this with your current asp imagebutton, onclick event, etc:

if (ctlCaptcha.IsValid)
//Do your processing!
Or, do you have another way to accomplish this? Or is this module (because of the "Next" buttons) protected from form bots?
New Post
4/4/2011 10:46 PM
There is no way to call the button click event of an asp image button directly using javascript. The only way to do it (that I know of) is to program the do postback eventargs in code behind.

However, I don't think you need a capcha. In order to complete the registration and add a dnn user a min of 2 button clicks are required which I don't think bots can do.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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