HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Customize Text on Registration ScreenCustomize Text on Registration Screen
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9/2/2011 1:49 PM
Is there a way to customize (myself) the text on the registraton screen?  For example, I need to collect a company name and a second address for the user.  Further, what I am selling is "subscriptions" not "items" so I don't want the "Item:" at the top of the screen - I might like to use the words "Plan" or "Subscription Level".

right now I'm using the currently-offered demo version.  Not sure what the version number is.
New Post
9/2/2011 11:29 PM

To configure additional fields that you would like to appear on your payment form follow these steps:
1. Log into the Merchant Interface at https://secure.authorize.net
2. Click Settings under Account in the main menu on the left
3. Click Payment Form in the Transaction Format Settings section
4. Click Form Fields
5. Click to select the checkbox(s) in the View column next to the fields you would like to display on your payment form
6. For each field you are adding, click to select the check boxes in the Edit and Required columns if you would also like to configure either or both of these attributes for the field
a. View – The customer can view but not edit the information. For example, if you would like to display an invoice number. Information that is View only should be submitted with the transaction information to the payment gateway.
Contact your Web developer for more information.
b. Edit – The customer can view and/or edit the information but the field is not required to submit the transaction. For example, if you would like to collect but not require the customer‟s email address, configuring the field as View and Edit allows the customer to provide this information with the transaction.
c. Required – The customer must provide the information in order to submit the transaction. For example, if you would like to require the customer's card code. When requiring this field, the View, Edit and Required attributes must be configured.
7. Click Submit

To change the "Item" text on the Registration page, you can modify the Step1 ascx file located in the Desktop Modules/SmithRegistration, on approximatly line 30 change the "Item" text to anything you would like it to say instead.

New Post
9/3/2011 6:32 AM

Thanks for the quick reply.

I'm a little confused.  Why would Authorize.Net care about any of this?  I thought the registration page was provided by the module, is it not?  I just want to catch their company name and other information and save it with their DNN profile. 

New Post
9/9/2011 12:56 PM

Currently the fields that can be added to the Step 1 (Registration From) page of the Reg Pro module are:

Show Company Name:

Listbox: Useful for adding terms and conditions or custom content that you wish the user to read and/or agree to before registering and making payment.

Dropdown: Useful in a variety of applications, for example, you could create a dropdown titled “How did you hear about us” with dropdown values of Internet, Yellow Pages, or Referral.

Textboxes 1,2, and 3:


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Customize Text on Registration ScreenCustomize Text on Registration Screen