HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Paypal, DNN 6.0.0Paypal, DNN 6.0.0
New Post
10/7/2011 2:19 PM

Hi guys I'm trying to test the SmithRegPro module.  I'm having a bit of a problem with the gateway piece.  I've got paypal selected, and the module doesn't seem to be saving the email.  

One other questions, I created a test account in paypal sandbox one for the merchant and one for the seller.  In the merchant feild do I use the merchant email address that I created as a test account?
By the way I'm on DNN 6.0.0
New Post
10/7/2011 8:52 PM
Hi Doug,

Which version of Smith Registration Pro are you currently running?

The email address that you enter in the Merchant Field is the email that you sign up for the PayPal Sandbox with. Once you sign into the sandbox you will need to create a Merchant and a Buyer account to process your test transactions.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...Payment Registr...Payment Registr...Paypal, DNN 6.0.0Paypal, DNN 6.0.0