General Store Setup




Store Name – (Required) – The name or title of your store or your website


Store Country (Required) – Select the country that you operate your business from.  The country dropdowns in the cart checkout will default to the country you choose here.


Store State/Region (Required) – Select the state/region that you operate your business from.  Depending on which tax option you select in the tax setup section only customers in your home state/region and country will be charged tax.


Store Postal Code (Required) – Enter the postal code where you will be shipping product from.  This is used in calculating shipping rates in the cart and is a required field.


Store Currency (Required) – Select the currency symbol that you want to display in the cart.  The cart is programmed to dynamically generate the currency symbol using the dot net built in localization functions and will support any currency in the world.


If your required currency is not listed in the Store Currency dropdown, SmithCart supports the ability to add a new currency symbol to the store. To add a new currency symbol, see the “Add New Currency Symbol” section for more info.


Product Detail Page – Select the page where you have added the product detail module.  This tells the BuyNow module which page to navigate to when the user clicks a product from the product listing.


Button Theme – The cart comes with the following 16 professionally designed button themes:






      Forest Green









      White Mountain




Select the button theme that matches your portal skin the best.


When you select a theme in the module settings the color theme for the following items is also changed:


      Checkout Progress Bar - Color of current checkout step

      Title bar in the "Shipping" and "Bill To" section of the cart page


Google Analytics ID - The unique id for your Google Analytics account also referred to as the web property ID or UA number.


Google Analytics - SmithCart is integrated the cart with Google Ecommerce Analytics to track purchases.  Each user's transaction information is sent from the cart to the Google Analytics database as it occurs. This provides the ability to track a specific referral source to a conversion or purchase in the cart. To configure and track your sales with Google Analytics, please see the SmithCart Google Analytics E-commerce User’s Manual for more information.



Cross Portal Share Type – Enables cross portal sharing of stores, orders, products, etc. between parent and child portals.  The following two options are available in the “Cross Portal Share Type” dropdown list:


      Master Portal – When a portal is selected as the “Master Portal it becomes the master with the ability to  view and manage all orders from parent Portal and all orders from child portals defined with a “Cross Portal Share Type” of “Child Portal”.


      Child Portal – When this option is selected on your child portal it will enable the following functionality in your child portal:

The child portal will share the same store (categories and products) as the parent portal defined with a Cross Portal Share Type of “Master Portal”.

The ability to check to see how many orders came from their portal (view only).

All orders in the child portal will show up in Parent Portal manage order detail screen.