Invoice Templates


Invoice template management allows you to fully manage and customize the invoices that are generated from the manage order details page and the my accounts module. To setup Invoice Templates navigate to the store admin menu and click on the following button:




The following screen will be displayed when you select “Invoice Templates”:


Invoice Templates have the ability to localize templates by portal or for each BuyNow module within a single portal giving you the ability to run multiple stores in different languages within a single portal.



The following email templates are available to manage:


      Store Template – Generated from the Manage Order Details Screen

      My Account Template – Generated from the My Accounts module



To manage the Invoice Templates use the following steps:


Step1: Click the Add Invoice Template button which displays the following screen:





Step 2: Choose the Invoice Template Name to modify.


Step 3: Customize the invoice layout, content and add Invoice tokens using the rich text editor.


Step 4: Click the Submit button to save the Invoice Template