Order Level Discounts By Role


Order Level Discounts by Role allow you to apply discounts based on if the user is logged in and a member of the role you define. Order level discounts by role are applied to the order subtotal and can be configured as a discount percent or discount amount.


The following steps are required to configure Order Level Discounts By Role:


Step 1 – Enabling Order Level Discounts By Role


Enabling the Order Level Discount By Role option turns on the discount. For more information, please see the “Enabling the Order Level Discount By Role” section.



Step 2 – Order Level Discounts By Role Setup


Setting up the Order Level Discount By Role Setup will define which DNN Roles discount will qualify to be applied to the Order. For more information, please see the “Order Level Discount By Role Setup” section.


For more Discount options, please see the Discounts section.