Shipping by Weight


Shipping by weight allows you to configure the cart to charge shipping in the following ways:


      Fixed shipping costs by the total weight of the items in the cart

      Fixed shipping costs by zone and total weight of the items in the cart

      Fixed shipping costs by shipping method and total weight of the items in the cart

      Fixed shipping costs by product category and total weight of the items in the cart



To manage shipping by order weight click the button titled “By Weight” at the top of the Shipping Management screen.



To add a new Ship By Weight, click the “Add Ship By Weight” button



After clicking the “Add Ship By Weight” button the following screen will be displayed:




Zone (Optional) – Select the zone name that you defined in the Shipping Zone admin screen. 


Ship Method – To configure shipping costs by shipping method based on the total cart weight select the shipping method from the dropdown box. 


To add new shipping methods you can add Custom Ship Methods. For more info, see the “Custom Ship Methods” section.


Product Category - Select the category you defined in the Category Map screen.


Weight From - Enter the “Order Weight From” which defines the bottom of the cart weight range used to calculate the shipping cost.


Weight To – Enter the “Order Weight To” which defines the top of the cart weight range used to calculate the shipping cost.


Shipping Cost – Amount to charge for the shipping for the weight range entered. Enter a number value without the dollar sign.