HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping HELP!!Shipping HELP!!
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10/19/2011 4:48 PM
I’m struggling with how to do freight. Do you have any other customers who ship via UPS? How do they adjust the weight for packing materials? Do they add on an arbitrary number of ounces, or add a standard handling charge to cover that? Totally out of my wheelhouse, not sure what to do. Any advice appreciated.  
New Post
10/20/2011 8:16 AM

I have a customer who does shipping by weight. You have to add a zone, probably UPS in your case, then go into custom by weight, and add all of the appropriate costs per weight.

New Post
10/20/2011 9:26 PM

I'm not sure I fully understand the question, is weight of the packing materials always the same for each product or does it vary? If it varies, how do you determine the total weight of the packing materials to be used in a shipment?

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartShipping HELP!!Shipping HELP!!