HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartnTEXT depricated in MSSQL 2005 and greaternTEXT depricated in MSSQL 2005 and greater
New Post
12/8/2011 4:48 PM

Since the nTEXT datatype is depricated in MSSQL 2005 and greater, what would be the ramifications for change the nTEXT database to nvarchar(max)?

I need to do some string manipulation on the Description column for a datafeed, but can't use LTRIM or RTRIM on nTEXT fields.  I know I can cast the field, but was trying to not use a bandaid option.

David B

New Post
12/8/2011 6:39 PM

Hi David,

Which version of the Cart are you currently running?

I would not recommend changing the datatype as this could create other issues. We will add this to the Dev Roadmap to be changed in a future release of the Cart.

Thank you for your feedback!


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartnTEXT depricated in MSSQL 2005 and greaternTEXT depricated in MSSQL 2005 and greater