HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAre multiple carts allowed on 1 site?Are multiple carts allowed on 1 site?
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5/7/2012 7:24 AM

I'm trying to create a site with multiple languages and multiple currencies.  Is it possible to create a product page with it's own shopping cart that I can display only when in a specific language?  I know I can turn pages on and off depending on which language I am in, so I want to create separate pages.  Then I can create the new cart and add my products just for that language. It seems like it would work, but I ran into a problem that makes me think this is not possible.  On my new product page, I chose a different currency (euro).  When I go back to English, I see that my products are all showing in Euros, not Dollars.  So, first question is whether or not it should work this way.  If it should work, then second question is if this is a bug or not.

New Post
5/7/2012 5:40 PM

The currency symbol is stored in session and won't change to another selected currency setting until the session expires or you reset iis.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartAre multiple carts allowed on 1 site?Are multiple carts allowed on 1 site?