Our store need use the option "Apply EU VAT Regulations By Product".
It working fine on the product and on the cart, but it is calculating wrong on mini cart.
Please, see the images on this link
image1: product: 3,30 (no tax) 3,73 (with tax) = perfect
image2: one produtct on mini cart - problem = show the total without the tax only
image3: after add one more unit of the product the minicart shows the price with and without tax. But... the price with tax do not consider all the products.... AND it is the price with no tax. I mean, in this case should be at least 3,73 and don't 3.30. But the correct amout with tax should be 7.46 (which is the 3.73 x 2). Right?
image4: it shows the cart with the correct amounts. So, it seems the problem is only on minicart.
Could I explain the situation? If you need more information, please let me know.