HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartLimit 1 per customerLimit 1 per customer
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4/21/2011 1:32 PM

Is there a way to limit each customer to only 1 quanity per order? I've been searching through the manual and forums and couldn't find anything that did this exactly. I did find the ability to turn off quantity, but when the user gets to the checkout screen, he or she can change the quanitity there.

Thanks for your help.


New Post
4/21/2011 4:18 PM


Yes, you can limit the maximum order amount per order. On the Admin Menu, under Manage products, select the product to edit and in the "maximum order quantity" box enter the maximum number of units allowed to purchase that product. If the user clicks add to cart with a quantity greater than the max order quantity then the cart will display the message “Product XYZ” has a maximum order qty of X units” and will not allow the product to be added to the cart until the user enters a qty that meets the maximum order quantity threshold.


New Post
6/13/2012 11:55 AM

I can verify that this doesn't work in SmithCart 5.00. I have set the Maximum Order Quantity: to 1 and I am still able to Add an Item to Cart, click back to Catalog page and Add the same item to cart multiple times with no error message or difficulties.

Can you patch this?

New Post
6/15/2012 2:00 AM
We have fixed the issue and will be releasing a hotfix for SC 5.0 tomorrow.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartLimit 1 per customerLimit 1 per customer