I am setting up a Vacation Rental site and plan on using the Smith Cart more as a products listing to display properties, but the actual booking of the properties will be done on a different url. They use Escapia for their bookings. This provides a lightbox option on their existing site, which I'd like to replicate. You can go to this url and click on the "BOOK NOW" button to see the interaction.
I'd like to replicate this action with the "Add To Cart" option in Smith Cart. So when they click on "Add To Cart" it will popout the same lightbox and booking window. How do I do this, I thought it was by entering the url in the "Affiliate URL" option in the product setup itself. But this didn't work.
Thanks. Here's the code for the book now on their existing site...
<div class="book_now_red"><a onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'iframe', minWidth: 860, objectWidth: 860, objectHeight: 700 } );" href="
http://bookme.obrhi.com/Site/Overview..." title="Book the Hokua Harbor Views Today and Save on Your Hawaiian Vacation"> </a></div>