HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartPossible Bug in BuyNow Module with Category MenuPossible Bug in BuyNow Module with Category Menu
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2/4/2013 2:01 PM

We have noticed a potential problem with the BuyNow module when you have the Category Menu module in use. I will give an example here.

Lets say you have it setup in the BuyNow settings to default to Category 1 when someone enters your store. No problem!

You then click Category 2 in your store to view what is in Category 2. No Problem!

You then go to another page on your site... Then return back to the storefront.

Here is the problem: The Category 2 items are showing, but the category title shows the data from Category 1. Meaning, Category 1 items are not showing, Category 2 items are showing, but the Category 1 description is appearing in error (that is the default category setup in the BuyNow module).

Or, you could say the Category 2 items are showing in error, when it should be Category 1. In any case, the two are not in sync.

Note that "Show Category Description" is selected in the BuyNow settings.

Using DNN7 and the latest SmithCart 5.30.


New Post
2/7/2013 1:16 PM
Mmm... not a bug per-se... here is what is happening (if I remember correctly)

The current category is stored as a session variable when the category change is sent over to the product listing page.

When you navigate away and come back, the category menu doesn't parse that variable and "expand out" to the previously selected category. However, the product listing page does.

This really has to do with how the category menu is dynamically built, and that issue has always existed.

If the current version of the cart is still using the microsoft treeview, it's not easy to work around that particular issue, because of the way the treeview works.
New Post
2/8/2013 8:36 AM
I do think it is a problem though. We definitely do not want customers seeing the wrong category! That is not good and can cause customers to navigate away from the site.

Maybe there is a "hack" of some kind. Our category menu does not have any sub-categories. So nothing expands as a tree. You just click on a category. If that is the case, maybe there is a way to build the menu manually! Just as an HTML module with text links.

But the ProductListing module does have the required information! That is because the problem is not showing in the Category Menu, but the ProductListing module near the top, where it displays the default category, but displays a different category of products (the one last visited). So if the module can get the category listing, it should be able to get the category description (I would think?).

Kind of see what I mean?

Would you know a way of passing the category via a URL instead of a __DoPostBack link? If I had this, we could build the menu out of HTML links and would not even need the Category module. I believe there are URL ways of passing the same data. This would really solve our problem! We just get the tvCatMenu=s3 or something similar as part of a direct URL.
New Post
2/8/2013 12:17 PM
Oh yes, you can certainly pass the category as part of the URL. I do it all the time.
Building the categories as links would just not highlight any of them though... but that's not the end of the world.
New Post
2/11/2013 10:14 PM
Think I figured out how to get categories via URL... www.mysite.com/myshop?categoryid=1

With 1 being whatever category you want!
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartPossible Bug in BuyNow Module with Category MenuPossible Bug in BuyNow Module with Category Menu