Joined: 6/4/2010
Posts: 59
I am running smith cart 5.65 and dnn 7.00.6. I have been spending a lot of time trying to get gift certificates to work and it is extremely frustrating!
I have the email manufacturer option on. The e-card email does not send and the manufacturer email sends but has an empty subject line and no content. When you specify a gift certificate product do you need to have the e-card option set as well?
There is nothing in the event log.
What am I doing wrong. I need the manufacturer to get a copy of the gift certificate email and I need the e-card gift certificate email to be sent to the recipient, with the comment etc.
I have another thread about e-card tokens. If I can get some full answers on this it would be great!
Thanks for the help.
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Joined: 6/4/2010
Posts: 59
Hi Kevin/team.
I have a customer waiting to launch gift certificates and I can't seem to get the whole process working. Can you help me figure this out?
I simply need the customer to buy a gift certificate product and receive or have recipient receive a nicely formatted email that includes the recipients name, message, gift certificate serial number and order info. I also need the manufacturer to get the same email with the same information. People need to print out the gift certificate and call for an appointment and when they do, they need to give the Gift Certificate Number to the merchant so the merchant can reconcile the order and the gift certificate on their end.
1. The recipient email got sent once but no longer after that. I created an e-card email template (tried deleting it an recreating it) - If this is the template, what tokens will display the gift certificate number and comments.
2. The manufacturer email sends but does not have a subject line or content. I also need this email to have a gift certificate number in it so the order can be matched when the person comes in to the store.
Appreciate the support.
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Joined: 1/1/0001
Posts: 0
Hi Carl,
1. Email tokens for the Gift Card Number and Comments are not currently supported; however, it is in our developers queue of things to look into. If you would like a quote to add this feature, please submit a Quote Request at the following link - http://www.smith-consulting.com/services/requestaquote.aspx
2. Have you configured the Manufacturer Email Template in the Email Template section of the Store Admin Menu?
Hope this helps!
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Joined: 6/4/2010
Posts: 59
Hi Kevin
I deleted the email template again and re-added it and now it appears to be working.
With regard to Gift Certificate processing. When you guys get to it... On the product detail page for a product set-up as a Gift Certificate, it would be less confusing to call the form Recipient as opposed to e-card as it is not an e-card item. It would also be beneficial to have an email template for Gift Certificates so a distinct email template can be designed with tokens for recipient, comment and gift certificate number etc.
I spoke with David and I'm out of luck unless I pay for dev hours to do the tokens. Let me know it there is anything you can do..
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Joined: 1/1/0001
Posts: 0
Hi Carl,
Thanks for your feedback I will bring this up to our developers.
In the meantime, currently the best way to manage your Gift Cards is from the Store Admin Menu > Gift Cards screen.
To provide your users with the Gift Card Number via email, you may be able to utilize the Custom Fields available in the Manage Order Details screen to input the data then send the order email.
Hope this helps!