Joined: 10/3/2011
Posts: 23
I've tried updating the page template for Product Details, and RightcrossWorkwearProductMain.ascx in DnnDir\Portals\0\SmithCart\Templates is showing the changes, but the page is not updating. I have even restarted the application, to no avail.Is this working yet? I was assured in a previous thread that it didn't work in 4.67, but did work in something like 4.97, regardless of the fact that the menu option was already there in 4.67.I am now on DNN 7.1 with cart version 5.62.
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Hi David,
I apologize for the inconvenience. I tried replicating this issue and was able to reproduce the same behavior on my test portal.
I have logged the page templates issue to our bug tracker as BugId:257 to be resolved as soon as possible. Our Programmers will begin working on this issue immediately and I will respond back to you as soon as I have an update.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you!
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Joined: 7/28/2009
Posts: 1452
Hi David, This issue has been fixed and is available in the cart v5.64. Please email support@smith-consulting.com for v5.64 download instructions.
For everyone else reading this post the template issue reported in this thread only existed starting with the last cart release v5.62 and is now fixed in v5.64
Thanks for reporting the issue!
At your service,
Dave Smith
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Joined: 10/18/2013
Posts: 51
Dave Smith wrote:
Hi David,
This issue has been fixed and is available in the cart v5.64. Please email support@smith-consulting.com for v5.64 download instructions.
For everyone else reading this post the template issue reported in this thread only existed starting with the last cart release v5.62 and is now fixed in v5.64
Thanks for reporting the issue!
If I understand the issue correctly, I can't get this to work either and I'm running 5.65 (and DNN 7.0.06).
I made a very simple change to portals/0/SmithCart/templates/KingGageEnginneeringProductMain.ascx and it does not appear on the page.
All I did was ad <tr><td>Hello</td></tr> in amongst all the other <tr></tr> sections. It's not making it into the rendered page when I view the product details.
What am I missing?
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Hi Tom,
Do you have Page Templates configured in the Store Admin Menu or are you just making changes to the file itself?
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Joined: 10/18/2013
Posts: 51
Kevin Carlson wrote:
Hi Tom,
Do you have Page Templates configured in the Store Admin Menu or are you just making changes to the file itself?
Yes, i have page templates configured in the store Admin Menu. I can make changes to the template either via the Admin Menu or directly in the file via FTP client. Either way, the changes don't show.
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Hi Tom,
I just tested this and I was able to get my changes to appear without any issue. Please see the screenshots below.
You may be making changes to a section of the page that is hidden unless a specific setting is enabled.
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Joined: 10/18/2013
Posts: 51
Doesn't seem to work for me.
I even went so far as to edit the button text in the td element below that has the button text to this:
td><scux:SmithButton ID="ibAddtoCart" runat="server" EnableSignIn="true" OnClick="ibAddtoCart_Click" Text="ADD TO FART" ResourceKey="ibAddtoCart.Text" /></td>
Didn't make a difference. I don't think my template edits are being used. Despite the edits being saved. Do I need to enable them somewhere else?
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Hi Tom,
The original templates may still be cached on your machine and may require one of the following:
1. Reset IIS
2. Recycle the app pool
3. Just waiting until the web server flushes the cache and reloads from disk again.
Hope this helps!
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Joined: 10/18/2013
Posts: 51
Well I can't figure this out.
For additional testing, I changed the single column catalog page template and that worked. I just added a simple h1 tag and it appeared right away on the catalog listing page. I still can't get any changes to the Detail template to appear on the Detail page.
I tried clearing Cache and restarting the app pool but i can't reset IIS since this is a shared hosting environment. Plus, based on the fact that the single column template page test worked, I doubt that's it anyway.
I even tried simply removing the Detail page template file from portals\0\SmithCart\Templates. The Detail page still worked despite the file not being there. I went back into the page template list and the entry for the Detail page was still there. I clicked Edit and was presented with a new template. I made another change (adding a simple h1 tag) and saved it. A new Detail page template file appeared in the Templates directory and my html change was in that file but the html change did not appear in the displayed page.
All this leads me to believe that the cart is simply using the default template and not the one in the templates directory. Since it seems like that was the symptom that started this thread, can we verify that that bug is truly fixed in 5.65? I upgraded from 5.64 to 5.65 so could something have not been upgraded properly in the DB or filesystem that is causing me to still have the problem?
How can we further debug this issue?
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Joined: 10/18/2013
Posts: 51
Okay, I have a little more info.
I found the "default" page template file in DesktopModules\Smith.ProductDetail\ProductMain.ascx
I made a simple h1 tag addition in that file and guess what - that change shows up on the rendered Product Detail page.
So, again, for some reason, the page template is not being incorporated/overriding the default page detail template.
BTW, there are no errors in my Event log either.
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Joined: 11/7/2013
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Tom Hudgins wrote:
Okay, I have a little more info.
I found the "default" page template file in DesktopModules\Smith.ProductDetail\ProductMain.ascx
I made a simple h1 tag addition in that file and guess what - that change shows up on the rendered Product Detail page.
So, again, for some reason, the page template is not being incorporated/overriding the default page detail template.
BTW, there are no errors in my Event log either.
Hey Tom,
Thanks for finding this, I also ran into this issue and even after upgrading to 5.68 today, that did no fix this issue.
Editing DesktopModule/Smith.ProductDetail/ProductDetails.ascx does the trick.
I also confirmed that from Store Admin, using page templates for Product Multi Column and Single Column DO overwrite and make changes, however Page Detail Template does not.
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Joined: 10/18/2013
Posts: 51
I'm glad this helped you. Of course, editing the DesktopModules files is not a true fix since they will probably get overwritten on a cart upgrade but at least this should help identify the problem.
One thing I just noticed on Kevin's post where he showed the screen shot of the template being edited; That UI (with the gray bar that shows Email Templates, Invoice Templates, Page Templates and Product Templates, is not what my UI looks like.
On my Store Admin Menu page, the one with all the colorful icons, I have a Templates section with icons for Email Templates, Invoice Templates, Page Templates, and Custom Fields. Clicking on Page Templates gives me the page that I showed in my posting just below Kevin's above, which lists the templates.
I don't know if it is significant but things look slightly different between what he has and what I have.
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Hi Tom,
I would like to have you login to one of our public test portals and configure the cart the way you have your's configured and try to replicate the issue. This will determine if the issue you are reporting is with the latest version of the cart or an issue with your specific DNN portal/cart install.
Please submit a ticket with a link to this thread to our Help Desk located at the following link and we will provide you with credentials to login.
SC Help Desk - http://www.smith-consulting.com/Support/HelpDesk.aspx
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Joined: 10/18/2013
Posts: 51
I can't reproduce the problem in the test portal. The test portal looks to be the one you used when you added the "Hello World" text in the screen shot above so it was already there when I logged in (I guess I was expecting a vanilla cart). I've tried to set up things the way I have them in my cart but I can't get it to not show up.
I upgraded my cart to 5.68 and it still doesn't work (I didn't figure it would since it didn't fix it for the other person on this thread either).
What's next? Seems like there should be a fairly easy way to trace how the template pages are getting loaded and see what it depends on. It's working for some templates but not others and it was broken before right?