HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartClone is not working for meClone is not working for me
New Post
11/13/2013 1:22 PM
I'm trying to clone a product and it's not working. 

I go to Manage Product and click on the clone link for the product. I get a pop-up that asks me for the product name, sku, and price. I fill that in and click Submit and I'm back at the product list with no additional products. I've cleared cache, reset the app pool - nothing. I've got no errors in my event log.

I'm running 5.65 and DNN 7.0.6.

New Post
11/13/2013 2:43 PM
Hi Tom,

The Product Clone issue was fixed in the release of SmithCart 5.68. Please see our Change Log located at the following link for a list of all new features, changes, and bug fixes - http://www.smith-consulting.com/Produ...

New Post
11/14/2013 3:56 PM
I just upgraded to 5.68. The Clone function now works - partially. 

I have several variants on my product. The first is a dropdown where the user can select taxable or tax exempt. Tax exempt has a conditional to show the Tax Exempt number variant group which has a text box as its variant. This works fine in my product. When the user selects Tax Exempt, I get a Tax Exempt Number text box on the refresh.

In the cloned product, I get the variants but the conditional variant doesn't work. Selecting the Tax Exempt variant does not cause the Tax Exempt number text box to display. It looks like the problem is due to the fact that the variants don't have any variant groups. The variant groups themselves were cloned but the variants don't look like they can see them. When editing a variant, the variant group dropdown should show a list of all the variant groups. It is empty.

You can see this in the test portal (26) you gave me to investigate my other problem around not being able to get custom page detail templates to work.

I cloned Product 3 to Prod Tom 3 Tom Clone. You can look at the variants for that product and see that they don't have any variant group and no way to select one. 

Update: I was able to get this working on my site by deleting the variant groups and recreating them. Once I did that, I could go back into the variant and assign them to the variant groups (which now appeared in the variant group dropdown). I left the test portal "broken" so you could see the issue.

New Post
11/14/2013 6:42 PM
Hi Tom,

I was able to replicate the Clone Variant Group issue and have logged this to our Bug Tracker as Bug ID 304 to be fixed as soon as possible. We will reply to this thread as soon as an update is available.

If you would like to have this item prioritized into programming right away please submit a quote request at the following link: https://www.smith-consulting.com/serv...

It is NOT required that you sponsor this fix, just if you would immediate attention to the issue you reported.

Thanks for reporting the issue!
New Post
3/3/2014 7:21 AM
Was this issue ever resolved?

We are using Smith Cart 5.68.0 and DNN 07.00.05 (130).

I need to clone a product about 10 times that has about 12 variant groups, and dozens of conditional variant options.

So far when cloning, the variant groups and conditional options are blank.  Recreating every product manually, or even recreating every conditional group manually is going to be a nightmare...
New Post
3/3/2014 2:14 PM
Hi Mike,

I just test using SmithCart 6.0 and it looks like Bug ID 304 is not yet resolved.

As a possible workaround solution, I suggest using one of the following 2 options:
  1. Product Import: For more info Click here 
  2. Use the "Copy Selected Variants" feature on the Variant Management screen to copy your existing Variants to another Product. Select the product that you want to copy variants to. When you click the “Copy” button the program will copy all the product variants selected from the variant grid to the product chosen in the dropdown list.
Hope this helps!
New Post
3/4/2014 1:54 PM
Hi Guys,

I just confirmed with programming that this will be resolved in the next release.

To fix this issue make a backup and run the following SQL scripts:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Smith_CopyProduct]
@ProductID INT,
@ModelNumber nvarchar(50),
@ModelName nvarchar(200),
@UnitCost money

---- Copy Product ----
INSERT Smith_Products
(CategoryID, Manufacturer,ModelNumber,ModelName,ProductImage,ThumbnailImage,UnitCost,MemberPrice,QuantityOnHand,Summary,[Description],DownloadUrl,[Featured],[Archived]
SELECT CategoryID, Manufacturer,@ModelNumber as 'ModelNumber',@ModelName as 'ModelName',ProductImage,ThumbnailImage,@UnitCost as 'UnitCost',MemberPrice,QuantityOnHand,Summary,[Description],DownloadUrl,[Featured],[Archived]

FROM Smith_Products
where productid = @ProductID

-- Get ProductID just inserted
DECLARE @myProdID int
SELECT @myProdID=scope_identity()

------ Copy Products 2 ----

INSERT INTO Smith_Products2
(ProductID,ShowOrderAsIs,Ecard,BinLocation,NumberOfBoxes,DateAddedToInventory,Client,[Owner] )
SELECT @myProdID as 'ProductID', ShowOrderAsIs,Ecard,BinLocation,NumberOfBoxes,DateAddedToInventory,Client,[Owner]
from Smith_Products2
where productid = @ProductID

------ Copy Variants ----

INSERT Smith_ProductVariant
SELECT @myProdID as 'ProductID', VariantGroup, VariantName, VariantDisplayType, VariantImage, PriceAdjustment, WeightAdjustment, SortOrder, PortalId, VariantRequired,VariantGroupID
FROM Smith_ProductVariant
where productid = @ProductID

------ Copy Variants Groups ----

INSERT INTO Smith_ProductVariantGroup
(ProductID, VariantHelpURL, VariantGroup, Hide, GroupDescription )
SELECT @myProdID as 'ProductID', VariantHelpURL, VariantGroup, Hide, GroupDescription
from Smith_ProductVariantGroup
where productid = @ProductID

------ Copy Categories ----

INSERT INTO Smith_CategoryProduct
(CategoryID, ProductID )
SELECT CategoryID, @myProdID as 'ProductID'
from Smith_CategoryProduct
where productid = @ProductID
HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartClone is not working for meClone is not working for me