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9/7/2010 1:41 AM

I have the cart setup to use Custom Ship Methods with Fixed Amounts. I have created a single custom shipping method.

When I add anything to the cart, I get taken to the cart view, and there is a form underneath the cart that I have to enter the ship to details in, and select a shipping method before I can checkout.

I do this, click checkout, then I am taken to a login / register screen (which is how we want the shop configured), but after logging in I am taken to a shipping details screen again?

Is there any way to hide / remove the initial ship to form, and just allow the user to select a shipping method when they are actually in the shipping details screen after logging in?

The first form seems to be a totally unnecessary step - especially as I find that after I complete it and login, and I am taken to the shipping screen, some of the data I filled in initially is not carrying through anyway (state/region and zip/postalcode fields specifically).

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9/13/2010 5:03 AM

Guys - any feedback on this issue? I have installed latest version fo the cart (3.08) and data is carrying through, but I still feel it is a totally unnecessary step to go through the form twice ...

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9/13/2010 6:19 AM

I'm not sure that there's an easy work-around for this one....

When you login to DNN, after you log in, it returns you to the page you were on.

There may be a workaround if you were to do a redirect on the screen IF certain session variables are already in place, to bounce it to the next screen.

Let me think on that a bit....

(I love finding creative ways of doing things... hehe)

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