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2/4/2010 1:40 PM

Exporting and importing your products to Smith Cart:

  1. Using sql server export wizard from sql management studio, export your product data from the smith_products table to xls format
  2. Follow the same procedure from step 1 for the smith_categories table
  3. Delete your current cart you have installed using the clean install instructions below
  4. Install the latest version of the cart (currently 2.52)
  5. Import your products using the import procedure on page 73 of the cart manual http://www.smith-consulting.com/Portals/0/docs/smithshoppingcartmanual.pdf

Instructions to install a clean cart build

  1. From the dnn->host menu uninstall all 5 modules; Smith.BuyNow, Smith.AffliateTracking, Smit.CategoryMenu, Smith.MiniCart and Smith.MyAccount. Make sure you check the delete files box when you uninstall
  2. Confirm that all stored procs and tables with a prefix of smith in your database are deleted
  3. Confirm that all files in /desktopmodules/smith.buynow are deleted and the folder is removed
  4. Install the latest cart module
  5. Configure the cart settings
  6. Add one category, manufacturer and product and test

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
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