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10/1/2010 1:42 PM

I'm creating a website for a local company that sells remanufactured inkjet, toner, and copier cartridges.

Please look at the following websites as examples:



Notice that when dealing with these types of products there are multiple sub-categories that have to be drilled down before someone can find what they're looking for.


Inkjet Cartridges

a. Brother

1. MFC-210

2. MFC-230

3. About 80 more...

That's using the drill down method. Now I can see utilizing the category tree menu to have multiple drill downs but the tricky part is when lets say someone is on the home page.. and I want to use the category module on this page. They drill down on "Inkjet Cartrdges>Brother" and just click on Brother instead of drilling down further to get their module number, etc. It then takes them to the product listing page and lists everything that's under "Inkjet Cartridges>Brother" which is going to be an insane amount of products...

On these other sites when you don't drill down all the way it has the rest of the drill down right above the product listings for you to basically continue refining your search...

The other function that I'm looking for is to utilize "Search" parameters to create a "Cartridge Finder" but I'm not sure what the best direction to go about that is..

For example... on http://inkflip.com you hit the drop down to get the brand, then the model, then the cartridge... but it reformats the drop downs according to what you select.. Or you can just enter in direct search terms...

I tried hoving over the category options to see if it gave me a URL type search string but it was a postback..

Please give me some feedback.. I need to know the absolute best way to utilize this cart for her.

THank you,


New Post
10/1/2010 2:58 PM

Both of these features you described are not currently availible in the cart right now. If you like a quote to add those features please email sales@smith-consulting.com.



Scott Kelly
Project Manager
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
10/1/2010 3:05 PM

Before I go that direction, is there any way to accomodate an ink supply type of online store? If you were to setup the module the way that it is, how would you get as close as possible to where it makes sense to the consumer?

Thank you

New Post
10/2/2010 6:35 PM
Accepted Answer 

You can certainly use our cart to sell ink supplies and use the category menu module to filter the products down to a manageable list. The category module handles unlimited nested sub categories so it will allow the user to drill down to any level and filter a short list of products. Reading your post it sounds like the reason you dont want to use the category module is because the user may not know to open the sub category level to filter to the list down to a short list. One idea is to add a help message close to the category module that explains how to use it to filter products and/or you could change the blue arrow icon in the categorymenu.ascx page to something that pops out more to the user or you could go with the default plus and minus signs the treeview control has. inkgrabber.com and inkflip.com have implemented nice drill down search intefaces but the category module in the cart has the same ability just implemented in a different way using the treeview control. From the 2 sites you posted I think I like the drilldown search on inkflip.com best, either way we are happy to create a new drilldown search module similar to any site you like.


At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
10/3/2010 10:53 AM

Excellent idea. I changed the tv_expander and collapser to the standard plus and minus signs - This makes more sense to the end-user. I think the ability to have a finder/refined search module added to the whole package would be awesome.

For now I would be more interested in having the tree menu remember when switching between pages. Like if I have the category menu on the home page and drill down quite a bit... when clicking on the item the tree menu is in the same position when going to the shopping cart page.

I'm excited to see where this cart goes.. DNN & E-Commerce has been a nightmare... then to have people like aspdotnetstorefront drop off the face of the DNN planet... . and then of course blame dotnetnuke over compliance.

Glad you guys are here...

Thank you,


New Post
10/4/2010 5:52 AM

Yes... the unlimited categories would make it an easy way to drill down.

By the way... I own the tonergurus.com domain, which I purchased for the same purpose, and the owner of the company backed out. Want to buy it? I'll give you such a deal. ;)

New Post
10/4/2010 6:49 PM

I will ask my client if they're interested. Shoot me a price to "pryan@reflectmediagroup.com"

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