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1/21/2011 8:21 PM


We had setup some test products, and then deleted them.

We had someone place an order for a deleted product with a $0.00 price. What he did was manually change the product number in the URL, and even though the product was deleted in the marketplace, the customer still could view that product and run it through the cart!

We do not want customers to be able to fish around for deleted products. I think this may be a bug in the cart system. If the product is marked as deleted, the cart should not show that product page if it deleted. In fact, this may mean that cached links to the product may still allow the product to be seen, when marked as deleted.

I manually went to the database to delete the product, but this may not be a good solution.



New Post
1/24/2011 3:26 PM

When you delete a product from the manage products screen it sets a flag called "logicallydeleted" in the products table so the record is not actually physically deleted from the table.


New Post
1/26/2011 10:01 AM

Hi Christian,

I know what you are saying, and that is OK. But when a customer enters manually, or clicks a url, to a deleted product, SmithCart should give an error saying the product is not available. To have it still available to the public is not good. Just a simple query value and redirect to a message page is all that should be needed.

I know that I could manually modify the script, but I want to avoid as much customizations as possible because everytime I upgrade, I have to reapply any customizations because all files are overwritten. So sending to an error page seems the right thing to do in this case.


New Post
1/26/2011 10:30 AM

Yes... you'll also find that if someone saves something in their cart that is deleted, then loads their cart, it will load it.

I haven't tried actually DELETING a record from the database and see what THAT does when you try to load it... I'm going to guess that it will throw an error.

New Post
1/26/2011 2:31 PM

I think we had another customer sponsor this change so in v4.0 or 4.01 the delete button on the manage product screen will physically delete the records from the table rather then setting the logically deleted flag.


HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartDeleted Products Still AvailableDeleted Products Still Available