HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartmultiple "Donation" products in Cart issuemultiple "Donation" products in Cart issue
New Post
3/15/2011 7:27 AM

I am using Smith Cart primarly for "Donations", when I have a product "Credit" and the user can enter the price of the product.

Everything works great with this, except if they go and add a second "Donation" item to the cart (with a different price).

In this senerio, the quantity would change to (2), but the price would remain the same as the original product.

Is there a way of avoiding this confusion for the customer? Either by:

--forcing a seperate line item? (dynamically create product code based on price, maybe?)

-- do not allow more than one item in a cart?

Thank you


New Post
3/19/2011 5:37 PM

The user entered amounts are working as designed, which is the way you described. There wouldn't be a way for the cart to add a separate line item for the same product without some programming changes, if you would like a quote to customize the cart, please send an email to sales@smith-consulting.com.




HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartmultiple "Donation" products in Cart issuemultiple "Donation" products in Cart issue