HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFree shipping for specific products?Free shipping for specific products?
New Post
3/29/2011 9:08 PM

Is this possible?  Let's say that I wanted to charge for shipping on most products, but for certain large ticket items, I want to offer "free shipping" for those particular items, can I actually do that?  If so, how?

New Post
3/29/2011 9:10 PM
Accepted Answer 

Doh!!!  Just saw this:


New Post
3/31/2011 6:39 AM

Glad you found your answer.

For those curious, you can just set the shipping weight to 0.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartFree shipping for specific products?Free shipping for specific products?