I would like to also add that when you are shipping a boxed product, which is likely most common, there should be NO address fields offered if the cart requires an account. The most common presentation would be a ShipTo area, and/or a button to "Edit My Account" that returns back to the checkout process. As you mentioned earlier I believe, presenting address fields OUTSIDE the ShipTo or Account area is extra data that is not needed and a customer does not really know if it is modifying their account or not.
This login should happen before the shipping calculation is done, and this way there is no risk at 4 different sets of data (DNN Account, Smith Account, Order ShipTo Data, Custom Entered Order Data given before login).
Also, on another note, about login timeouts, we fixed this on our site so we can stay logged in without having to reenter the data each time we come. It is a DNN setting we had to change.
See http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Community/B....