HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to sell Gift CardsHow to sell Gift Cards
New Post
6/15/2011 3:38 AM

What is the best way to display Gift Cards?  I have 1 gift card which will have up to 10 available denominations.  Must I create 10 different products, or can I use the variant feature for this?  Currently, I've created 1 product with 10 variants.  However, the product appears on the listing page with a price of $0.  (Each variant adds the appropriate offset for that variant's gift card level). 

Can someone show me a live example where someone is using Smith Cart to sell multiple denominations of Gift Cards?


Thank you.

New Post
6/16/2011 12:45 AM

Hi Frank,

Its possible to hide the Price of a product by enabling the "Hide Price" feature in the Manage Products section which will hide the Price at the product level. You can then add variants for the different card amounts using the "Price Ajustment" feature which will add the amount that you wish to be on the card. I have created an example for you at the following link: http://www9.smith-consulting.com/Prod...



New Post
6/16/2011 4:00 AM

Thanks.  I will try that.  As a follow-up question, I'm wondering if the different denominations can be listed as check boxes (and enable multi-select).  In this way, I would want users to be able to set the quantity for each denomination.  In other words, from one product page, they should be able to add the following 5 products to their cart:


2   $50 cards

3   $100 cards


Is it possible to do this?

New Post
6/16/2011 5:14 AM

I reviewed the provided example and configured my system in a similar manner.  Since my product requires variants, the user is presented with an "Options" button on the listing page.  This is good. 

However, the user is also presented with a "Quantity" box (asking them to enter the quantity).  I would like to hide this field on the listing page.  I tried to "Hide Quantity" in "General Cart Setup" section of BuyNow page Settings, however the Quantity field is still displayed.  Is there a way to prevent this text box from shownig?  (note, I DO want it be displayed on the product details page).

Thank you.



New Post
6/16/2011 6:14 PM
Hi Frank,

You can use the "Hide Quantity" feature at the product level in the Edit Product screen or in the Product Details module Settings.

New Post
6/17/2011 12:16 AM

I would like to hide the quantity on the product listing page, and display the quantity on the individual product (details) page.  How would I go about configuring it to achieve these results?

New Post
6/17/2011 7:30 PM
Hi Frank,

You can use the "Hide Quantity" feature at the product level in the Edit Product screen.

New Post
6/18/2011 6:44 AM

there doesn't seem to be an option to "hide quantity" at the product level.

New Post
6/20/2011 8:12 PM

Hi Frank,

The "Hide Quanity" feature is in the Edit Product screen. I have attached a screenshot.



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartHow to sell Gift CardsHow to sell Gift Cards