I have been trying all day to install SmithCart 4.46. Each time, after accepting the license agreement and clicking Next, the screen sits there spinning for a long while, until finally an ASP error screen is displayed saying the web request has timed out. When I go check the installation, SC is only partially installed.
I am running DNN 5.6.2, and MS SQL Server 2008 R2.
This is an attempt at a "clean installation" following the guidelines in this thread:
I had previously installed SC 4.28. I removed all Smith Cart modules from DNN, removed all SmithCart tables and stored procedures from the database, deleted all SmithCart files from the file system in the DesktopModules folder, I cleared the IIS cache.
Then I spent the rest of the day trying to install SC 4.46, only to get partial installations after a timeout error each time.
Has anyone seen this before? Have any ideas what's causing it?
Thanks for your help.