HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.84 special instructions email missing a couple of minor tokens4.84 special instructions email missing a couple of minor tokens
New Post
1/5/2012 8:05 PM

Hi SC,


DNN 6.0.0, SC 4.84.


Default order confirmation email template looks good.

Then the default special special instructions email template is missing two tokens: I think Subtotal and Discount are not printing. For example-

 [SUBTOTALS] give the following


Shipping Fee : $10.00
Handling Charge : $0.00
Sales Tax $0.00
Total $20.00



Minor thing but would be nice to have it looking right.

HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.84 special instructions email missing a couple of minor tokens4.84 special instructions email missing a couple of minor tokens