HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.84 manage orders - secondary phone still going into primary phone column4.84 manage orders - secondary phone still going into primary phone column
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1/5/2012 8:11 PM


Sorry to dump a few threads on the support forum just after a release, let me know if you prefer an email instead. Hopefully they are useful.

In general I'll start by saying that I've found 4.84 to be a big improvement thank you.

Anyway -

DNN 6.0.0, SC 4.84.

As  the thread title mentions, in the manage orders screen, the primary phone column is still being populated by the secondary phone number. And in manage order details, the primary phone number is going into the "other phone" field. This has been a long term issue - any ETA on a fix? Anything I can code myself in the meantime?



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCart4.84 manage orders - secondary phone still going into primary phone column4.84 manage orders - secondary phone still going into primary phone column