HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartIs localization working with shopping cart?Is localization working with shopping cart?
New Post
5/4/2012 1:11 PM

I'm using the latest download of the BuyNow cart (4.99).  I added localization to my website, so I have 2 alternate languages (German and Italian).  I noticed something.  If I am looking at my cart and I change languages (by clicking on the language flag), the site changes to the language and my cart still shows my contents.  Now, let's say I'm browsing around the website in another language and I click to view my cart contents.  My contents correctly display, it takes me to English.  Is that right?  I would think that it should stay in German.

Also, when I click to view in another language, my categories disappear from my mini-cart.  When I check the settings, I have to select where my "buy now" page is.  When I click to select the page, my "German" pages show up, not my English.  This seems correct.  However, no categories show up.  Any ideas why?

New Post
5/7/2012 5:15 PM


Have you localized your Product and Tabs names by navigating to the "Localization" menu option of the Store Admin Menu? If not, for detailed instructions, please see pg. 286 of the SmithCart Manual here: http://www.smith-consulting.com/Porta...


New Post
5/8/2012 6:22 AM


To answer your question... yes, I localized my product and tabs and nothing is showing up. What is required for this to show up? If I am trying to display in German, what German resource language files do I have to have installed? What if I'm trying to use a language that I do not have resource files for?

New Post
5/9/2012 11:31 PM

Are you using 2 BuyNow modules or just 1?

Are you using a redirect module that redirects the user with geo IP?

Here is a link to the translated Cart resx files. We are currently in the process of implementing a new tool to generate updated Cart resx files. Please make sure your resx files are named in the following format: If the Cart.ascx.resx file is the English file then the proper way to name the German version of the file would be Cart.ascx.es-de.resx.



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartIs localization working with shopping cart?Is localization working with shopping cart?