HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartStoreOrderDetails Jumble HotfixStoreOrderDetails Jumble Hotfix
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11/30/2012 9:11 AM

I was running SmithCart 5.24 on my website and we had the issue of our StoreOrderDetails table jumbling data that would show old orders having products with new orders and new orders with products from our oldest orders. I was told to install the latest SmithCart version, 5.25 and report back if the issue is still present.

What did you find that was the specific issue that caused this jumble in our Database Table?

Just want to have an idea so I can keep a keen eye when looking out for it again and so I can immediately alert you.


New Post
11/30/2012 1:44 PM
Hi David,

We have tested for this to try to replicate the issue of the StoreOrderDetails table showing old orders having products with new orders and new orders with products from our oldest orders and we have run multiple consecutive transactions with different users and items purchased but we have been unable to replicate the behavior you reported and we have not had any other reports of such an issue.

Have you seem this issue occur again since first reporting it?

It's difficult to pinpoint the cause of this issue if it cannot be reproduced.

I know that in the past there was an issue in SQL Server 2012 with a known, but little documented bug relating to a new feature that was reseeding tables with integer identity adding 1000 when the SQL Server service is restarted. The issue can be found here: http://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/739013/failover-or-restart-results-in-reseed-of-identity

The workaround code put in place by PowerDNN in the Master database was a stored procedure that executes whenever the server is started and reseeds the table to 1 past the max identity in the table already.

Possibly something similar may be happening but again without being able to replicate the issue, I cannot send this into programming to be addressed.

Are there specific steps which need to be taken to reproduce this behavior?


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