SC v5.25 / DNN v06.02.05
We have made use of your tip to filter the product listing page by passing category id in the querystring and these all work fine applied to image buttons on the first page of our store. (button link example: We have found though, that the 'Continue Shopping' and 'Back' buttons on the Cart page return the user back to the full product list and NOT to the product category they were just shopping from. The client doesn't want the category module viewable on the product page, instead relying solely on the image buttons on the first page of the store, so we have hidden it for admin only. Here's the odd thing - when I use the category module links themselves (ie javascript link - dnn$ctr1602$CategoryMenu$tvCatMenu','s25'), all subsequent back links do indeed return me to their correct category product list. Any advice and have I missed something in the setup at all?