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11/13/2014 12:06 AM
is there an XML file that allows for changing the options for the table payhistory Status...I see it comes out as Awaiting Payment or Success
I would like to customize the wording on the these options. This is what happens when a payment is made.

I am not talking about this:

New Post
11/13/2014 10:56 AM
If you navigate to your \desktopmodules\smith.buynow\applocalresources folder and open confirmstatus.resx you can change the following messages that are display to the user after checkout:


The status and notes fields are returned directly from the payment gateway and then saved in the Smith_PayHist table.  There is no xml or dropdown list that you can change because they are pass thru fields from the payment gateway and each payment gateway returns different values for these fields.  The "Success" bit field in the Smith_PayHist table indicates if the payment was approved or declined.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

At your service,
Dave Smith
DotNetNuke Consulting, DotNetNuke Store and DNN Ecommerce
New Post
11/13/2014 11:31 AM

I noticed that when enabling Purchase Order it doesn't take the input from the text field. Is there anywhere else that PO should be enabled besides in the Custom Payments option in Cart Admin?

Although I enabled Purchase order in admin, and it shows the text field in the checkout, when filled it returns NULL in [PONumber] in payhist

also how do I decrypte the credit card acct number in output from SQL?

New Post
11/14/2014 4:19 PM
The PO Custom Payment Option will not populate the PayHist table. You will need to enabled the "Purchase Order" Payment Method.

How to decrypt credit cards saved to the database is not something which we can give out publicly due to security reasons. Please submit a ticket at the following link: Create a New Ticket
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