I was afraid of that. We have had many complaints that orders are being lost with Smith Cart. Session timeout is fine for single item orders, but when our average order is more than a dozen items (many 50+ line items), the customers are not happy when they lose their work.
We don't want to delete incomplete carts, we need to keep them available so when a user returns they can continue where they left off.
Is it possible to persist the cart in the database instead of the session?
Or, automatically add items to a saved cart called "Last Order", then populate the session from the "Last Order" on the next visit?
More food for thought...
1) a new System setting called LastOrderExpirationDays where 0=session >1=number of days (7, 30, 90, 180)
2) add a field to saved carts called ExpiryDate (null=forever)
3) when a Last Order cart is created, the expiry date is set to today+LastOrderExpirationDays
Then it would be easy to scedule a clean up the database based on the expiry date.
This is a serious design issue that must be addressed or Smith Cart is unusable for this case.