HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartTop items that need to be fixed in v4.22Top items that need to be fixed in v4.22
New Post
3/14/2011 6:41 AM

1) Price by Member Role must override Pricing by Class.

2) Tax Exempt by Role is not working in 4.0... has this been addressed and fixed?

3) Quick Order Entry allows you to enter items that are marked as "Inactive". I have orders coming through with deactivated products.

*** update *** This has been fixed, and the resultant code has been sent to Dave for inclusion on the next build.

4) Selecting "Hide Price" by product does hide the price on the cart, and allows people to add items to the cart, with Price by Class working properly, but emails that get sent out show "Request a Quote" (with proper totals down at the bottom). This is not the expected behavior, that it allows people to buy something and charges them, it just doesn't show them how MUCH it charged them. I need to be able to hide the price of selected items; all of our "normal" pricing is shown right on the main cart page. The only prices that should show are discounted items. As I said, clicking "Hide Price" works, but then all the prices show up as "Request a Quote".

5) UPS Worldwide shipping is not working for addresses out of the U.S. (addressed in another thread)

New Post
3/16/2011 9:57 PM

#1, 2, 3, and 4 have been fixed and will be released in version 4.23, we are still looking into #5. Thanks for reporting these issues!



HomeHome Product Discus... Product Discus...SmithCartSmithCartTop items that need to be fixed in v4.22Top items that need to be fixed in v4.22